Before we begin, here are a few general tips on what to pay attention to when doing this and virtually all other Asanas:
- Breathe always through your nose
- Slow, steady, and controlled breaths in these types of exercises
- Only go up to 50% of your maximum extension range
- After a few breaths, back up a bit, before you extend again over the first checkpoint
- Only the muscles that are essential to keep the position are tight, everything else should be relaxed
Supta Matsyendrasana II, or the English title Reclined/Supine Spinal Twist Pose
This position or asana is often called foundational or beginners exercise, but in truth, it is one of the best yoga positions there is. In India, it is believed that it extends life and improves health enormously. It is also one of the simplest, most pleasant positions one can attempt, and it is perhaps why it is considered beginner-friendly.
Beginner Level
However, if you really are a beginner, you must get into it slowly, even if it is easy. It is also easy to push yourself on these simple exercises, which then results in the practitioner completely missing the mark.
So, when first starting this, remember that you do not have to touch your knees together. That is the final form, but it is as efficient for you to just let your extremities stop where they do. You do not need to turn your head. Hands are relaxed on the side, like in the photo above, with palms facing down. Some online sources show palms facing up, which is not the correct position.
After this becomes quite easy for you, you are ready for the next step. Now, you can slowly turn your head to the side opposite where your knees are facing. Also, you can scoot the hips a little bit before you begin lowering your knees, extending your back and spine beforehand.
One would think an expert level comes after intermediate, but in yoga, you become an expert after years of practicing it, even a lifetime is not enough for some. However, for this Asana, now that you are comfortable with it and do it regularly, you can rest the hand to which your knees are facing, on your top knee. This slight weight will help your extension and relaxation at the same time.