What is love? The short, profound, both religious and otherwise answer would be – caring. I care if you are cold, hungry, or well… It means that I love you. But, is that the same, or does one flow from the other. Is love something greater, something above the simple gesture of caring?
Don’t overcomplicate it
Many people that are in happy marriages for 5,10, or more years sometimes complain that they have lost something along the way. Many people in relationships are having a hard time defining it. The question was and still remains, what is that universal force that is pulling us towards one another?
Questioning it is complicating it, according to many holy men, professional thinkers, philosophers, and just wise people. Why do you care explaining it? If it works, you are happy in your marriage, who cares about the formula.
There is no magic formula. You and your loved ones likely have a completely unique way of communicating your love to each other. And, that’s all we are doing when we are together. That is all that those “Are your hungry?”, “Wanna hang out?”, “Need some help with that?” or other questions are about.
It is about making your love a reality, grounding it, realizing it, and making it from just a feeling into action. It is more about converting feeling into action than it is about what you’re actually asking or doing.
So, is love the same as caring?
Caring is a concrete manifestation of your love. So, in a way, it is your love converted from feeling into actions. It is one and the same thing, or better yet, a part of a whole.
When you feel love towards someone, or just generally feel it (doesn’t have to be towards a specific person), your body is getting in a certain state, both physically, mentally, and spiritually. Now, this is again not saying that love is a mixture of bodily chemicals, but that they (the chemicals) are also a part of it.
It is a call to action, or a call to be passive, which is also an action in its sense. It is a call to act on that feeling…that need…that inspiration.
Also, it is important to know that we as human beings are highly limited in our way of explaining these phenomena still, so it is best to stick to grounded things we know are good and work, like caring.